Ceinwen Roberts
Route and date: Porthcawl to Glenthorne 28-29th July 2024
Swim time: 9hours 7 minutes 22seconds
Start: Porthcawl
Finish: Devon
Swum in tandem with Fletcher Barr
Observer: Paul Downie
Swim Crew: Paul Downie; Dean Kerns
Pilot: Ceri Davies on the Shee Ann
Ratified by the BCSA
Swimmers report:
What inspired you to do this swim? Describe how you planned for the swim. How did the swim go, generally? Did you face any unanticipated challenges?
I was inspired to do this swim by my friend Flecher Barr who knew about it because of the UK Triple Crown which he wanted to achieve. I have done the English Channel, my dad is from Wales and my mum is from England so I thought it would be a cool thing to do.
We trained all summer doing multiple 20km ocean swims, then into the winter swimming in the colder swan river at 14 degrees.
The swim went really well, no problems or concerns, the crew were great and our support crew very experienced and motivating.
Observers report:
Ceinwen was in great sprits before, during and after the swim. It was an amazing swim from start to finish with Ceinwen having an upbeat attitude throughout the entire duration.
The Conditions were beautiful through out the swim with very light winds and clam seas. Needs to be noted the large tidal movements slowed down Ceinwen towards the end but was never an issue in moving forward.
Ceinwen completed the swim in the spirit of open water swimming and adhered to all open water swimming rules and regulations.
Congratulations Ceinwen on an amazing swim and breaking the record for fastest time.
